Friday, February 14, 2014

Three injuries now confirmed at Tonawanda Coke

Picture source twcnews

Investigative Post reported on February 4, that "two sources confirmed to Environmental Reporter Dan Telvock that at least one person was hurt at the plant, with minor burns. That conflicts with the press release from Tonawanda Coke that says 'no one was hurt.'" 

Mainstream news has now confirmed that Tonawanda Coke has backpedaled on their initial report of no injuries. The Buffalo News and WBFO have both reported that the company now says three workers were injured in the explosion on January 31st.

According the Buffalo News, the report issued by Tonawanda Coke on Wednesday said that one full-time employee was blown to the ground (possibly the worker reported in other sources as being bruised ?) but didn't need medial treatment, another full-time employee experienced "a possible first-degree burn on one side of his face and suffered from dust inhalation" and a full-time temporary worker had his face and eyes covered with dust.

The employee with a burn was "evaluated and given first-aid treatment by an on-site nurse and returned to work the same day." The employee covered with dust was "sent by the nurse to an off-site medical facility for treatment" and he reportedly returned to work Feb. 3.

The report also indicates that during routine monitoring, following a checklist, the plant operators failed to notice evidence of moisture in the lines of the air dryer system. This moisture may have lead to the frozen lines that caused the accident.


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